In a Rush To Finish This Month

Here's what's happened while you thought I had escaped into the mountains to read terabytes of bootlegged manga instead of facing my responsibilities.

  1. Bethsi's name was changed to Cattleya. I liked it. Gray liked it. Cattleya loves it. We're all good.
  2. I wrote a prologue. It's a flash forward to a happier time when Sharp has found love; he likes picking flowers; they like picking him back; and then he gets the girl. In a fashion.
  3. I deleted episode 1. It didn't fit there anymore. Bye!
  4. I tweaked episode 2 to be episode 4.
  5. Sharp is miserable, but hopefully cheeky enough to entertain you. The guy needs Cattleya, but doesn't know it yet.
  6. My goal is to have all the edits uploaded within the next nine days.
  7. I'm sick almost every day. Getting a li'l tired of this.
  8. I can't believe I posted the first chapter a year ago this month. What a lousy year this has been. ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™‰ NO! Optimism! I will be happy!
  9. Neither of those are actually accomplishments. Oh wellโ€ฆ Don't download bootlegged manga.

