This has been a tough two years for me. I can't say that I have anything terminal. Nothing really to cause boundless weeping and sympathy in others. I've been diagnosed with Post COVID Syndrome, and the number one problem I'm dealing is called post exertion malaise, which is like any garden variety post viral fatigue. Whatever you want to call the thing, it's interfering with my plans. In fact, it's a pain in the neck.
❝The best laid schemes o' mice an' men. Gang aft a-gley1
I took time out from working on this book to heal over the Summer and into the Fall. I've been to a Long COVID health clinic. I've seen a gaggle of doctors. I've had a bundle of colds. Fortunately, I have boundless optimism on my side, so my writing plans continue to move forward, albeit in a very slow motion dash, like Sonic the Hedgehog with his feet nailed to the floor.
It is time to start writing the story again. In fact, I have already begun. The story has been slashed, altered, and is now waiting for a complete rewrite. However, tonight I am testing the web server, writing CGI scripts, and testing the interwebs for hamster friendly access.
With luck, I won't crash and end up in bed sick again.
From Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck ↩